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4 False Myths about What Causes Acne


We’re sure you’ve heard all kinds of myths about acne and what causes the issue. Some may be true while others are completely false. Acne can be caused by an abundance of matters, so it’s important to separate myth from fact in order to properly treat acne. To know the primary causes and signs of acne visit this website:

Eating Unhealthy Foods

One of the most common misconceptions about how acne appears is that it is a direct result of what you eat. Many believe that greasy foods or a generally unhealthy diet will cause a breakout. Chocolate is even commonly blamed as an acne enhancer. All of these claims, however, are almost entirely false. Studies have shown that there is not a direct correlation to acne and greasy foods. Although some people may experience breakouts after eating certain foods, it’s important to differentiate the two, as breakouts are different from acne. Where a breakout is temporary, acne is long lasting and oftentimes difficult to cure. A breakout from a particular food can be considered a form of allergic reaction, although there are still studies being conducted on the effects of meat and early adolescent acne.

You Don’t Wash Your Face Enough

While some acne is caused by an overproduction of oil in your skin, it is not caused by uncleanliness or from not washing your face enough. In fact, washing your face too much could cause your skin to dry out which in turn causes your skin to produce more oil. This could cause your pores to clog more frequently and thus cause more breakouts. Our skin naturally produces a certain amount of oil, depending on our skin type. If you try to rid your skin of its oils, our bodies will try to compensate by producing more oil than our skin actually needs. While it’s important to wash our face, it’s also important not to overdo it because washing your face does not prevent acne—it can only help to maintain clean skin.

It Will Go Away After Your Teenage Years

Acne can come at any stage of life. It’s true that it is more common in adolescent years, but it’s also true that you can develop it later in life—even if you’ve never had it before. Usually, the reasons for adult acne are different from adolescent acne. For the most part, adolescent acne is caused by oily skin. In adults however, acne is often caused by an imbalance of hormones. Because of this, adult acne is generally treated differently than teen acne. Products geared towards individuals with oily skin would be a very poor option for an adult with drier skin. If you want to get more tips about acne-free skin, then visit this website for further details.

It’s Your Fault

Because acne is not preventable or caused by one’s eating habits or hygiene, it is truly not your fault if you develop acne. It’s helpful to know that you’re not alone, however. Nearly 85% of people will have acne at one point in their life. Acne is caused by an abundance of matters that don’t have a firm solution. Things like genetics, an overproduction of oil, stress, medications, your immune system, and countless other factors. It’s important not to blame yourself or stress too much over your situation, as stress can and will often produce more acne.

There are plenty of solutions and acne products available which will help you address the root of your acne problem. Don’t feed in too much to the hype and acne myths that are out there. Staying calm, and relaxed and talking to your doctor about your acne problem are steps in the right direction. To find out more about what age acne gets worse visit this website:

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